Alabrar Travel & Hajj
Umrah Services Pvt. Ltd.

GL# 2783 | HP# 4381 | RL


Company Profile

Alhamdulillah. The company has earned the distinct reputation since 1994 as we have been providing the highest level of services with honorable and learned Ulama-e-Karaam to guest of Allah without zero rated complains in both sectors (Umrah & Hajj).

We registered as an AL ABRAR TRAVEL & HAJJ UMRAH SERVICES PVT. LTD in Year 2006. We have our own Umrah agreement with Ministry of Hajj Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

We are your partners in the holy pursuits of Hajj & Umrah and have the pleasure to invite you to experience the highest level and standards of hospitality and services. We are also grateful & thankful to our clients those had already been experienced our services.